Innen már csak egy ugrás egy nagyon klassz hely, a STIKA Budapest, egy afféle modern bisztró kb. egy zsebkendőnyi területen, amit fiatal srácok alapítottak néhány éve.
Ehettek ropogós croissoint-t reggelire, ebédet á la carte, vagy a budapesti átlagtól sokkal finomabb menüt, nagyon jó áron. A szörp is mennyei. Amikor ottjártam paprikakrémleves és carbonara spagetti volt, de igazi (bár ezt lehet, hogy csak Magyarországon nem evidens).
A srácok a borválasztékra is ügyelnek. Mostanában viszonylag gyakran megfordulok itt, a múltkoriban belépve ez a látvány fogadott.
Amíg ott voltam, végig böködte a vádlimat az orrával, vagy ezzel a köralakú fülvédővel..jelezvén, hogy szeretne játszani. Szóval a STIKA egy nagyon klassz, kutya- és emberbarát hely, próbáljátok ki!
STIKA Budapest, 1072 Budapest, Dob utca 46/a
I really like the atmosphere of the seventh district in Budapest. There is something special here which features only this part of the city. The teeming Gozsdu-court, the renewed Király street - I remember that 10 years ago me and my friends were just smiling at that plans that the district would create a pedestrian precinct here...ahhhahhhaa...and now, there is. There is the Dob street with vivid bars, the crowded Kazinczy street filled with noisy night bars,..despite the rather ruinous buildings from outside....somehow I feel like home here. You can find here even a real butcher here who is standing by the door of his shop and there are big sticks of salamis hanged behind him, as if you'd take a walk in a Busy World book or movie.
And there is the Klauzál Square with the new Market Hall where you can find delicious salamis and hams either on the ground floor and fresh vegetables (is it possible that I am a salami fan?...khhmmmm yes, it is quite possible..) And from here it is only a hop to STIKA Budapest. which is a so called modern bistro in a small room, founded by young boys some years ago. You can eat crispy croissant here, you can eat meal á la carte, or try the delicious daily menu at a reasonable price. Drink a real fruit syrup with soda (carbonated water), these are both hungarian specialties, so called Hungaricums. The boys choose very good wines to the place, so you can drink reds and whites from more wine regions of Hungary. Have a try! What else...You might meet this dog lying on the floor. Don't be scared, he is very friendly, he might want to play with you. STIKA is a pet and human friendly place. STIKA Budapest, 1072 Budapest, Dob street 46/a STIKA Facebook
(The word STIKA is a Hungarian slang,the meaning of it to act something secretly, in a hidden manner)